
Why experience counts for so much in Lettings

Why experience counts for so much in Lettings

So, why exactly should you choose an experienced realtor for letting? Well, aside from the obvious reasons of ensuring you’re paying a fair price, your tenants are going to be well screened and all the proper documentation will be present there are a few benefits you don’t commonly find people talking about.

1: Accurate and Up to Date Information

It is all too easy to just say what people want to hear. It isn’t anybody in particulars fault. It is simply human nature. With an estate agent at your back, you can ensure that all the details, certificates and inspections are up to date, valid and accurate.

An estate agent can provide you with insights and information on the history of a unit, building history and neighbourhood history. Not to mention an experienced estate agent can help you design a fair and attractive rental proposal. With inside information on local real estate value and neighbourhood value, you can ensure you’re charging or paying the exact right price to attract the best possible tenant or accept the best possible offer.

2: Access to Specialised Services

In addition to the other benefits we have covered, estate agents can also help to get you into contact with other professionals and services. From legal help with leases to advertising for your listing, estate agents can bring all manner of valuable services to your fingertips.

Always make sure to ask your estate agent what other services there are for you to take advantage of, to ensure you’re getting the best deal possible. There is always another way to make your unit or proposal more attractive to prospective tenants or landlords.

3: Advice on how to Make Your Proposal/Unit More Attractive

If you’ve searched for a rental or tried to find a tenant in the past, you know sometimes it can be hard to get your proposal accepted or your unit leased successfully. One of the many advantages of having an experienced estate agent helping you, is that, an estate agent can provide you insight on what current shoppers or landlords are looking for. What they are most commonly willing to accept.

This information can be absolutely invaluable to you as a renter or landlord. Knowing what it is that makes a unit worth what it is and how to raise its value can take your proposal from “enticing” to a “must accept” and an “Ok” unit to a “Must have” unit.

We could only touch on a few key details here but there are many many more advantages to hiring an experienced estate agent when you are letting. It is, of course, possible to do it on your own. Many have done it. However, if you’re looking for a “home” you deserve the best. The best is only achievable if you have the power of knowledge on your side. The power of knowledge is the most important tool in any endeavour. An estate agent can offer this to you and more in spades.

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